HOME-Wildrose Cemeteries | "FREE" Order Form | "FREE" Pet Samples Directory

Welcome to the "Wildrose Pets Cemetery" page.

If you are visiting this cemetery, you undoubtedly have lost a pet that was a constant companion or a source of comfort to you. We have provided this cemetery to allow you to create a memorial for your pet. You may begin your memorialization by ordering our "FREE" 30-day offer with no risk to you! If after 30 days you wish to continue our service, you may keep your plot and cemetery marker for a modest fee of $15 per year. You may also upgrade your memorial with a custom designed marker, a portrait of your pet, or whatever you desire, just like in the "real" world. Shortly after your order is received, we will notify you when your marker has been set in our cemetery. At that time, we will provide you with a list of options from which to choose.

If you are not interested in our services after the 30-day inspection period, your "FREE" order will be removed from our cemetery with no obligation to you.

To place your "FREE ORDER" just click on the "FREE" Order link at the top or the bottom of this page and follow the brief instructions that follow. To view a sample, click on "FREE" Sample.

We hope you find our services suitable to your needs. We will be constantly upgrading and providing more services as time goes by. Please visit often and tell your family and friends about us. Thank you for visiting.

HOME-Wildrose Cemeteries | "FREE" Order Form | "FREE" Pet Samples Directory